Global Wealth Inequality
Feudalism accelerated transfer of wealth from many to few. But this was not efficient enough: transferring wealth from many to few based mostly on their social background was not right.
Then came the improved and much accelerated solution: colonialism. But this was not efficient enough: transferring wealth from many to few based mostly on their ethnical background.
Then came supposedly ultimate revolution: capitalism. Nothing as transferring capital hands to hands based on people’s educational background was as quick and as efficient in accelerating transfers between poor to the rich.
Did you notice that middle class and especially upper class like to criticise class system? It’s fashionable in those groups to criticise it. To criticise class system is to be so high in the hierarchy that you’re actually above this system :-) it’s not an honest criticism though!
The fact is that across the globe there are more rich and more poor and, everyone knows its utopian to pledge that this would ever change. You can be however fashionable about criticising the gap because talk is cheap, and even cheaper if you sit on top of class system :-)
Not siding with either side, just look at the stats: Global Wealth Inequality – What you never knew you never knew: