Rosylyn compilation

Strange as it seems, only shows the power of the framework. We’ve been moving TaskBeat from VisualStudio 2005 to 2008, to 2010, 2012, 2013 without major changes, or no changes in most of the cases. Worst case scenario, the change was cosmetic and didn’t break the build. Until today we’ve moved to Visual Studio 2014… Read more

Sprzedaż w Internecie

Ze wszystkich firm sprzedających w Internecie niewiele sprzedaje w Internecie. Wiele sklepów e-commerce sprzedaje na papierze i przez telefon do tego stopnia że nawet tuzy o wielomilionych obrotach wycofują funkcjonalność składania zamówień przez stronę. Tutaj pojawiają się słynne 8.1 ki które co by nie mówić NIE MOGĄ sprzedawać przez stronę na papierze, ani przez telefon.… Read more


According to the Netcraft, the most respected webserver survey: “Microsoft’s market share is now only 5.4 percentage points lower than Apache’s, which is the closest it has ever been. If recent trends continue, Microsoft could overtake Apache within the next few months, ending Apache’s 17+ year reign as the most common web server.”… but that’s… Read more

Prawne aspekty wykorzystania open source

Problem z modelem open source jest taki ze niewiele da sie modyfikowac, jesli Twoja firma publikuje w modelu closed source. Jezeli wezmiesz otwarta biblioteke i cos sobie zmienisz, musisz upublicznic caly kod, w przeciwienstwie do wielu platnych bibliotek gdzie modyfikacje sa najczesciej dozwolone pod warunkiem ze kod pozostanie zamkniety. (na podstawie: ). Wydaje sie… Read more

Simplistic world of software

If world was simplistic it would be clearly divided into closed source and open source. The closed source naturally would favour big bucks for software companies and the open source would naturally favour big bucks for software developers. Mind you, both getting their job done – either out of the box or out of their… Read more

Rosylyn is to cover all ends

For all those years (of waiting) I couldn’t get Rosylyn. Now I get it! They want us statically typed language people to debug more in runtime, pretty much like we dynamically dynamically typed languages do. Rosylyn is just for the C# to catch up on It’s the cover all ends with the framework

Skype retires API

Skype retires its desktop API which is strange but also works as a sort of reminder that every piece of requirement, whenever functional or not, requires ongoing maintenance (cost)

Programming work free of charge

Have you ever done a programming work and got paid less than a project was worth? I did, long time ago. Many software developers still fall into this trap, even though there’s a universally simple solution for not doing any extra work free of charge.

Stop Making Me Sign Up

Super interesting initiative supporting demo accounts instead of making people sign up front. Interestingly this is still a model popular enough to make me remember that just few years ago basecamp used to ask for a credit card as the first step of the sign up process